Mummy Movie Monday 8: The Mummy's Tomb (1942)

Universal's follow-up to The Mummy's Hand was 1942’s The Mummy's Tomb and just in case the audience might have forgotten the events of the earlier film, the first ten minutes are a flashback. 

A flashback related by Steve Banning, played again by Dick Foran, thirty years later.

Banning is a widower living back in Massachusetts, living with his sister and son.
Andoheb and Kharis survived the previous movie, Kharis now being played by Lon Chaney Jr.

Andoheb sends a junior priest of Karnak to America to avenge Banning's trespass.  The junior priest arrives in Smalltown, USA taking a job as a cemetery care taker.  In fact, he organizes his revenge from a mausoleum, the titular tomb of the Mummy (as opposed to oh, something from the Valley of the Kings or something.)

The contrast of the very old world character of the Mummy against the small town Americana setting works... well within the context of.... y'know a living Mummy.

I'm looking forward to the next installment in the series... because continuity is just a suggestion.

(Also: surprise easter egg in The Mummy's Hand. seen in flashback in The Mummy's Tomb.  There's a character named Doctor Petrie.  Until watching Tomb with the captions on, I hadn't made the connection to Flinders Petrie, often called "the father of modern Egyptology."  Maybe it was deliberate, who knows?)

The Mummy's Tomb is available currently (9.26.22) streaming on Peacock and available on dvd in the Universal Monsters: The Mummy Legacy Collection.

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