Tutankhamun Thursday's: The Curse of King Tut's Tomb

After last weeks post, I rented The Curse of King Tut's Tomb
.. and I can see why nine year old me found it fascinating.

Unfortunately, I am not nine anymore.

There's a lot to unpack here, both good and bad.

I watched the 2016 Miniseries Tutankhamun and that covered the same ground, but because of technology and budget was a superior production. 

This has it's retro- charm though.

Location! Exteriors were filmed partially in Egypt.  And and and! Because it was Lord Carnarvon, they filmed scenes at Highclaire Cstle.  Like the weirdest episode of Downtown Abbey. A seance in the saloon (yes, that's whats it's called- think Christmas tree at Downton Abbey).  The library.  In fact, because we've watched entirely too much Downton Abbey, Perry was able to identify a piece of furniture. (Reuphoistered since this was filmed).

Howard Carter was played by Robin Ellis, lead in the 70s Poldatk, but the first billed was Eva Marie Sait, playing a fictional journalist.  

There's also some serious what the fuckery in the cast:

I'm not sure of the character's nationality, but Raymond Burr played an antiquities collector named Sabastian, wearing a turban and looking as if he'd been dipped in betadine.  I guess "ethnic" was the look they were going for.  

Sabastian has a faithful henchman, Hasan, who infiltrates the excavation after the death of the head digger.  This was played by Tom Baker, best know as the fourth Doctor on Doctor Who.  His performance was less influnced by betadine and more foundation based.

Lastly, the tomb had many visitors, including one listed on IMDB as "Posh Lady." She's played by Patricia Routledge, sounding like Hyicanth Bucket's cousin from Germany.

Here's where it goes off the rails.  There's the historical framework that we all know.  Add to this a seance, an antiquities theif stealing from Lord Carnarvon, the same thief killed by Sabastian with a poisoned scarab, Sabastian's mechanations to steal the dig, and of course THE CURSE.

I'm glad I rewatched it.  It was nice to have my memory validated after all these years.  But unless you're a big Raymond Burr fan or are particularly fond of seventies' telemovies, I wouldn't recommend. 

Covering the same topic, but less luridly, is Tutankhamun aka The Mummy of Tutankhamun, starring Sam Neill.

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