Tutankhamun Thursdays: The Curse of King Tut (1)

I must have been some kind of serious little King Tut nerd as a kid. Exhibit A: Thursday night, May 8th 1980. King Kong preceded the first half of The Curse of Kig Tut's Tomb. 42 years ago. I don't remember a damn thing about King Kong, or if we even watched it. I do remember being excited about The Curse of King Tut. There's a curse! And Perry Mason! And Eva Marie Saint! (I didn't know who she was but I loved her name.) Most everything else is lost to the fog of time. But... while gathering notes for this post, I *found* the movie. It's available to rent on VUDU and GoogleTV. So I'll be renting it soon for a rewatch- and a follow up post. Meanwhile, I've included the promo spot from NBC below.